
8 Simple Ways To Earn More on SkyPrivate

8 Simple Ways To Earn More on SkyPrivate

Did you know there are (at least) 8 different ways you can start earning more on SkyPrivate? WITHOUT burning yourself out?

Few models know about them all. And even fewer use them to their FULL potential.

So, in this post, I’m going to share with you 8 features available to you on SkyPrivate that you can use to make more money starting… TODAY.

Let’s dive in.

1. Use Interactive Toys

That’s right, I’m talking about tip-activated toys. That you can easily turn into your own money-making tools.

Here’s how:

  • Connect your interactive sex toy to your SkyPrivate account. Here’s How ⏩
  • Encourage members to activate it during your calls, for a (much) more interactive and personal  experience
  • Charge them for using it

That’s it!

2. Get Members to Send You Tips

Receiving tips is another great way to earn more with less work.

That is, you’re in a call with the Member who is either being charged by the minute or has prepaid ALREADY and you get to earn more, through tips, WITHOUT doing any extra work.

ON TOP of the money you’d get for your PPM or prepaid session. Cool, right?

And there’s more:

  • They can tip you during the call and/or within 30 minutes AFTER the Skype/Discord call
  • Tips, too, are covered by chargebacks

You’d only have to use your charm and flirting skills to get them to further reward you for the experience you’re offering them and spoil you with tips.

But how does a Member send you tips? And how do you receive these tips, more exactly? Here’s How ⏩

3. Create Your Own PREPAID Package Offers

Do you know what a Member is really after?

A good deal.

So, by bundling several of your services together Skype/ Discord sessions, custom video requests, sexting, etc. into custom prepaid packages, at a better price than if they were to buy each service separately, you:

  • Hook the Member with that good deal he can’t resist
  • Get your money upfront
  • Turn these Members into your regulars
  • Secure yourself ongoing bookings

How do you actually put together your custom prepaid packages? Here’s How ⏩

It’s a win-win. But where your gains are actually higher than theirs.

4. Enter the EXTRA 6% Campaign

You get 6% ON TOP of every payment that your referred Members spend with you.

Here’s how it works:

  • You go to Promo ⇒ Win Extra 6% Money and grab the referral link you have there
  • You then display it anywhere and everywhere your fans and followers can see it (your social media pages, your blog, your website if you have one, you name it)
  • Once one of your fans/followers creates a SkyPrivate Member account through your referral link, you get an EXTRA 6%; ON TOP of all the payments he’ll ever make with you on SkyPrivate.

… for lifetime.

Find out all about how you can activate this option in your Model account and how to withdraw the EXTRA 6% Balance you will have available HERE

5. Refer a New Model/Member

Did you know you can easily go from the 75% default payout percentage up to… 80%?

How? By getting someone to create a Memer or a Model account on SkyPrivate via your own referral link.

With every new such referred Member or Model you bring to the platform, you add 0.1% EXTRA to your payout.

Going from 75% all the way to… 80%.

Here’s how it works in 4  steps:

  1. You go to Promote ⇒ Referrals section in your Model account and copy your referral link
  2. Then, you send it to anyone interested in joining SkyPrivate as a Model or as a Member
  3. Once that person registers on SkyPrivate via your referral link AND becomes a qualified new Model/Member, you get a 0.1% EXTRA payout percentage
  4. Then another extra 0.1% for the next qualified new Member/Model you bring via your referral link and so on…

Find everything you need to know about how to activate and make the most of this feature HERE

6. Activate Your “Get More Calls” Option

There’s extra traffic on SkyPrivate extra opportunities, extra money — waiting for you to… unlock it.

You just need to activate an option available in your SkyPrivate Model account “Get More Calls” and drive all that extra traffic to your profile.

It’s THAT simple, really.

Here’s how you use this feature to earn more:

  • Go to Promote Get More Calls in your Model account.
  • Activate the option by checking on the On/Off box there

There! Now you’ll get access to a larger pool of members. Just be sure to be online to greet this new flux traffic coming to your Model page.

And to turn all these extra calls into… extra money.

7. Start Charging for Discord Shows, Too

Why should you limit yourself to taking paid calls on Skype only when you can charge for Discord calls, too? Since the pay-per-minute plugin works for Discord, as well…

And Discord is becoming the no.1 platform for one-on-one intimate cam shows for a good reason.

How do you actually connect your SkyPrivate Model account to your Discord account? Here’s How ⏩

After taking all the steps mentioned there you’ll be all set and ready to earn money from calls on Discord, too!

8. Earn Yourself a “Promoted Model” Spot

The higher you are on the (first) Profiles page, the more eyeballs you get on your profile pic.

And the more traffic you drive to your Model profile page.

Now think about the TOP of the page! That’s where all the eyes go. Where you get the best exposure.

So, just secure yourself one of the “Promoted Model” spots on top of the Profiles page and get all the spotlights on your profile page!

How? It’s simple:

  • Go to Promo ⇒ Promoted Slots (Bids) section in your Model account
  • Enter the bid amount you’re willing to place on one of the few Promoted Model spots available
  • … for a specific day of the week or for multiple days
  • Activate your bidding

Read more about the uber simple step-by-step bidding process HERE

And there you have it! 8 different ways you can start earning (even) more as a SkyPrivate model.

They’re all features available right there, in your Model account. You just need to activate them and get the most out of them. Don’t sleep on it…                                


GOOD NEWS: Now You Can Use PayPal to Buy Credits on SkyPrivate (US Only)

Here’s some (really) great news: now you can use your PayPal balance to buy credits on SkyPrivate.

“But wait a minute… Paypal doesn’t allow adult websites to use their service, does it?”

You’re 100% right.

That’s why the flow won’t be the usual one — PayPal SkyPrivate — to top up your SkyPrivate Member account. But PayPal → Bitcoin/ETH → SkyPrivate instead.

And the whole process won’t take you more than 5 minutes. From the moment you click “Add funds”, in your SkyPrivate Member dashboard, to the “Review and Send” pop-up window in your PayPal account.

Just click on the short tutorial video above ☝️ or follow it  HERE.


NEW Rating Policy: Updates You Need to Know About

NEW Rating Policy

We’ve made some key improvements to our Rating Policy recently that we’d like you to know about.

Here’s what’s new:

1. You Can Ask to Have an Unfair Rating Removed With Evidence

Has a member rated you unfairly and left a bad review for you after the show?

Dispute an unfair rating by sending a rating removal request along with the supporting evidence you have that proves that:

  • The member harassed/blackmailed you in exchange for a better rating (e.g. the member asked you to put on an extra show for him under these circumstances)
  • The member insisted that you offer a type of show that you did not agree upon before the call and/or you DO NOT offer in general (i.e. it’s not mentioned on your public profile)

Make sure your request fits one of these 2 cases, you send it within 48 hours, and that you back it up with solid evidence (e.g. screenshots of the Skype conversation).

2. You Can Reply to a Rating Publicly, Right on Your Model Profile

And validate/invalidate it.

Your word matters more than you think, that’s why now you can respond to the reviews and ratings you receive right there, on your public profile.

This way, you get to share your own perspective on the session, too. Your own experience with that member. And both views will be visible on your Model profile.

That sums up the key improvements that we’ve made, with your help, to our rating removal system.

Go ahead, take a look, and let us know your thoughts on the updated policy.

                                          Read the NEW Rating Policy

How to Cope With a Bad Review (so it doesn’t affect your relationship with other members)

How to Cope With Bad Review

“Waste of time.”

You’ve just seen this review on your profile page. And in a few minutes:

How do you cope with this bad review?

“But whenever I receive a complaint, an unreasonable customer, or a negative review, it sticks with me for the entire day and ruining my mood.”

What can you do to get over it fast? For you:

  • want to make the best first impression in your 1-on-1 with that new member
  • don’t want this to jeopardize your relationship with that loyal member you’re about to go live with

Here’s an “emergency kit” to grab when needed: 7 tips for dealing with a bad review like a pro’.

Tip #1: Focus on Your Next Call

In other words, be the best you can be and do the best you can do in every call.

Bring back your focus and keep focused on each member.

It’s what makes the difference between good and professional cam models.

“Focus on doing your best, and you will go so much further than worrying about every bad reviewer’s experience.”

But being friendly and caring after you’ve just read “Not for me. Not as I expected.” on your profile is so damn hard, right?

No one said it would be easy.

And here’s a basic, yet effective exercise you can try in a case like this:

Put yourself into the shoes of the next member calling you.

You’ve had the worst day at the office and you can’t wait to relax and unwind in a 1-on-1 on Skype with a gorgeous model.

You long for this session like you’d long for a nice warm bath to soothe your nerves.

And what do you get instead? A grumpy, bored or very suspicious-looking date being very… cold and impersonal.

Was it your fault that the previous member was an as*&hole? Nope.

Just try this little empathy exercise before every call and see how it works.

Tip #2: Treat It Like a Business

And remember that you are a public person:

“A Model is a public person. Any public person receives good or bad comments. If you have these hooks, where other people’s insults will touch you, you will feel hurt and it will affect you.” (Katia Tiuni)

Now, as a business owner and wannabe professional in this niche, you can’t afford to let your emotions dictate your state of mind in your Skype sessions.

How tp Cope With a Member's Bad Review

You can’t afford to show an “open-book” face to your members: you need to learn to separate your emotional self from your professional self.

Especially since camming means interactions with other people. People with emotions of their own.

“You need to work on your self-esteem and then other people’s opinion doesn’t matter.”

Tip #3: Focus on All The Great Reviews You’ve Got

Work that positivity muscle with some “good review weights”.

“Then again, I have tons of good feedback and rating already, how much damage can one complaint do?”

Go through all your 5-star reviews that other members wrote down for you and lift your spirits before the next call. Seed your happy thoughts and nourish your self-esteem.

And what’s more concrete than some great real reviews from real members?

Tip #4: Remember the Context

“How is it possible that a person who only stayed FOR LESS THAN 2 MINUTES can really rate what I do on my show?”

How to Cope with a Member's Bad Review
What was the context in which this review was written?

  • After a 1-minute call?
  • After a technical glitch?
  • After you’ve refused to accept his abusive behavior, to comply with an off-the-menu request?

“If a crazy bitch demands steak in an ice cream shop, the worker’s job is to say no and move along to customers that actually want to purchase ice cream.”

In such cases, the context itself should be enough to reassure you that “no, it’s not you.”

It’s not your performance or your skills (those clearly listed in the “menu” on your profile) that the member reviewed. So, why should you stress over it and allow it to put your mood off?

Not worth it. Spare your energy, it’s much too valuable.

Tip #5: Think of The Nice Members on SkyPrivate

So, you’ve got one bad review from one member. But what about the other SkyPrivate members?

Those who’ve taken the time to write some good reviews for you after your Skype sessions.

Those who’ve become your regulars. And those nice ones yet to meet…

“I should just take it easier…being friendly and enjoy what comes back….plenty of nice people too…being more focus on the positive vibes…”

Imagine if they, too, took their bad experiences with other models out on you.

Tip #6: Make It a Plan to Drown It Under “X” Positive Reviews

Did you know that our brains weigh a bad experience 3 times heavier than a good one?

This means that you’ll need 3 great reviews to counterbalance a negative one.

So, take it as a challenge: set a goal to get yourself 3 excellent reviews the following… days/weeks!

Turn this situation into a personal project and focus on what you can do instead.

Or, you can go overboard and don’t stop at 3. Instead, make it a plan to drown this negative review into a sea of great ones.

Tip! Members will believe the good reviews if there are a few bad ones mixed in. Because they tend to get a bit skeptical when a model has only 5-star reviews.

Tip #7: Contact the Member and Ask for a Direct Feedback

A “Waste of time” or “Not what I expected” kind of review doesn’t say much, right?

It’s like leaving a “Worst experience ever!” review on a fashion brand’s website with zero details. You don’t write if the product is poor quality, the delivery took too long, you’ve had a hard time returning a product, you’ve dealt with a rude customer support agent… Nothing.

See my point?

Instead of stressing out over… nothing, you might want to approach that customer and ask him, politely, what was wrong with the session you’ve just had.

This way:

  • you might discover that there have been some technical issues on your side that you weren’t even aware of
  • you get some hints about those particular aspects of your performance that you could improve

A self-confidence model is one that won’t avoid asking for direct feedback from her members.

“If the review is confusing or weird, contact the customer who left it, and show genuine interest in the problem they had.”

Tip! If there have been issues that were out of your control and you make him aware of that, the member can still edit his review within 24 hours.

The END!

Now you have not 1, not 2, but… 7 ways to cope with a nasty review so that you don’t allow it to affect your mood in the next call.

Pick the ones that suit you best and keep them at hand.

Speaking of which: what tip would you put on top of your “emergency list”? Let us know in the comments below!

Photos by Andres Ayrton from Pexels and Moose Photos from Pexels

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Jessica Larsen on Her Experience with Scammers (plus her best tips on how to recognize them)

JessicaLarsen on Her Experience with Scammers and The Best Tips on How to Recognize and Avoid Them

How do you tell a scammer approaching you on Skype from a good-paying SkyPrivate member approaching you on Skype?

Is it the avatar?

Is it the way he approaches you? The type of requests he makes or the “too tempting” offer he tries to seduce you with?

How do you recognize someone trying fraud tricks on you? What are the alarming signs to look out for?

The best answers to such questions come from those SkyPrivates models who’ve already had some experiences with scammers, right?

One of these “SkyPrivate models” is JessicaLarsen, who’s been so kind (and altruistic) as to talk to us about her own experience with scammers.

So, here’s an interview with her filled with lots of actionable tips, great advice for you, and personal thoughts on the subject.

SkyPrivate: Jessica, first of all, why SkyPrivate?

JesssicaLarsen: Because I am a 1-on-1 cam girl. This is my… thing, the one that I’m good at and where I get to be the closest to my true self.

And secondly, I just love those really intimate interactions that are possible only on Skype. I want to be able to see the members that I’m with full screen, almost life-sized, and not just in tiny little squares. I want to be able to hear them…

In short, I love this closeness, this level of intimacy, and, of course, why would I hide it: I like the payout here, on SkyPrivate.

Have you ever felt like you were lured into a scam since you’ve been on SkyPrivate?

There have been 3 such cases. In 2 of them I “smelled” fraud right away and contacted support, but in 1 one case I was so close to getting myself into trouble.

But, again, a question to support, in the live chat, saved my ass.

Could you describe what happened exactly to identify certain patterns of behavior?

Of course! Because I so do not agree with the idea that being scammed is part of some sort of initiation as a cam girl newbie.

And that if it hasn’t happened to you yet it will happen and there’s nothing you can do to prevent it. You just…. wait to get burned and learn your lesson. Bullshit!

Every model here has the right to know what red flags to watch out for.

And every SkyPrivate model who has had any experience with scammers should share it. So that the rest of the girls learn about the “latest” scamming methods in due time.

That being said, here are my 3 experiences with scamming attempts:

1. Someone from “support” approached me on Skype one day…

… telling me that they were running some sort of “quality analysis“ campaign. They wanted to make sure my profile description (including my list of services there) was accurate.

So, he started asking for a custom video where I’d do some of the things listed in my menu: striptease, pussy fingering, boob rubbing…

At first, I was too shocked, didn’t know what to think, how to react. Then, it struck me: he was a scammer, trying to fool me into doing a free show for him.

I got really pissed off and dropped a screenshot of our conversation in the support chat. They told me right away that they weren’t running such verifications.

2. The second time I almost took the bait…

It was this one guy who called me on Skype and, while we were setting the details for the show, he sent me the link to a video.
It featured a girl whose teasing and outfit he wanted me to get inspired by.

And this time I was this close to giving that link a click!

Luckily, the “.vbs” extension caught my eye (my boyfriend’s a back-end developer and I’ve learned a thing or two from him). And, again, I opened a live chat and asked a question in support. Just to be sure.

It’s one of the best decisions I’ve made, for it proved it was a VBS script that installs malware into your PC, corrupting all files there.

JessicaLarsen on Her Experience with Scammers and The Best Tips on How to Recognize and Avoid Them: .VBS Files

I still get shivers down my spine thinking just how close I was to giving free access to all my files to a scammer! I could have had my pictures, my videos, uploaded all over the internet.

I could have gotten blackmailed…

3. And there was this one time when someone from “Tech”…

… (with the username “Admin”) wrote to me on Skype that there was something wrong with the plugin. And that he’d send me an “updated” version to install.

This was quite strange because I had had 3 long calls that day and everything went super smoothly. Again, when in doubt, I contact support, just to double-check my… worries. And so far my intuition hasn’t failed me.

There was something about this guy… I can’t really say what exactly. Maybe the fact that it seemed unusual to be contacted by someone from tech and not by someone from the customer support team.

Maybe because there was something fishy in the way he approached me (no name, no nothing, just a mysterious “SkyPrivate technical team” signature). And the fact that he almost summoned me to install the new plugin.

Or maybe the fact that I hadn’t experienced any problems with the plugin myself.

Anyways, glad I was “overly” paranoid and asked that question to the support team, in the live chat. It proved to be what I suspected: a scam attempt.

Given this, do you agree with the “trust no one” strategy?

Yes, totally. And I don’t care how cynical this sounds or how time-consuming it might turn out to be.

If you’re the least trusting model on SkyPrivate you’re also the least likely to get scammed model on SkyPrivate, too.

Don’t you risk putting off every first-time member that gets in touch with you on Skype?

Well, even in real life, you still need to win your partner’s trust on your first date, right?

Joke aside, I think I’m being reasonable here: I simply don’t offer free shows, free content to anyone. Full stop.

And this weeds out a lot of the time-wasters and potential scammers. I’m not being extra cautious for no reason with any member who gets in touch with me on Skype.

I only get suspicious if he approaches me with… suspicious requests.

Has your personal experience with scammers had any impact on your relationships with your regular members?

Not at all. I don’t allow myself to generalize this type of fraudulent behavior.

For there are a lot of good-paying and trustworthy members on SkyPrivate (and some of them are my own regulars). And we, models, cannot allow ourselves to put them all in the same boat.

I refuse to put a stigma on all SkyPrivate members just because there’s a minority out there trying to take advantage of my hard work.

If you were to give 3 pieces of advice to the models on SkyPrivate on how to recognize a scammer, what would you advise them?

First of all, whenever someone from “support” contacts you on Skype and asks for a “quick show for verification” — to take off your bra, simulate masturbation or any other kind of explicit content — you should know that he’s a scammer.

No one from the SkyPrivate team will ever ask you that!

Secondly, if a member tries to convince you to accept a Paypal payment, cause you’d then get quicker access to your money, know that that’s a scam, too.

Not only that it’s forbidden to accept payments via PayPal here, on SkyPrivate, but just think about it for a sec: PayPal doesn’t accept payments for adult content so, sooner or later, they’ll close your account and refund the money to the sender.

And all that after you’ve already done your own part and put on the Skype show he wanted from you.

And thirdly, whenever you get a “vbs” link just don’t click on it. It’s a virus.

And what about the 3 best tips on how to avoid getting scammed? 

If it’s too good to be true, it most certainly is a scam. Like when a member contacts you on Skype saying he’s ready to give you $200 for a 20-minute show if you do this and that.

Never, ever give away personal information (email address, SkyPrivate username, and password, etc.) on Skype.

Always report these scam attempts to support!

Send them screenshots, describe the experience in a few words. Do what you expect other models to do: expose these methods, share your experience, help the SkyPrivate team help you.

Is there anything else you’d like to add, scam-related or not?

Be vigilant, ladies, but don’t let this “witch hunt” affect your relationships with your good-paying members!

What about you? Have you had scammers trying any other types of fraud tricks on you?

Let’s see some girls-supporting-girls here on SkyPrivate: share your experience(s) in the comments for other models to be aware of!

Image by Sammy-Williams from Pixabay

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The #1 Reason Why You Don’t Have Your Own Group of Regular Members Yet

The #1 Reason Why You Haven’t Managed to Build a Loyal Following of Regulars Yet

You keep hearing of all these other SkyPrivate models who have their solid groups of regular members.

And you do know how important having regulars is: 80% of a model’s money comes from 20% of her members.

From those truly loyal ones. Her own little fanbase…

So, how do they do it?

And why haven’t you managed to build your own loyal following of regulars yet?

But maybe you’re not asking yourself the right question. A better one would be:

“Have I shown them enough… respect?”


Let me detail:

1. When You Show Up, Regularly, You Build Trust

And it’s trust that opens the wallets on the long-run, not long sexy legs or beautiful, round breasts or a bubbly personality.

Just think about it:

Would you still follow your favorite trainer and subscribe to her/his fitness program if he/she would show up online only now and then? If she/he had no consideration for your own time and schedule whatsoever?

“Men want to be respected more than loved” (quoting Nikki Night in a YNOT Summit session)

Just being there, online, on SkyPrivate — maybe not daily, but regularly — is an almost too simple tactic. One that you could easily underestimate.

Yet, it’s the most powerful one.

If your members see you there, at the same hours, same days of the week, for days, weeks, months on end… they’ll subconsciously get to trust you and:

  • check out your profile in the first place
  • turn into your regulars because they trust you

They can stay assured that they’ll find you online next time, too, at pretty much the same hour.

For you can’t beat the power of familiarity.

And once they’ve made their choice (they chose you over all the other… 30K+ models on SkyPrivate) they’ll stick to it and repeat it.

Unless you don’t show up and lose their trust.

Think about it for a second:

You, too, have grown into a regular customer of certain brands over the years. And this happened both due to the quality of their services AND because you’ve come to trust them, right?

Because they’re reliable

It’s the same with your members.

2. Keep Your Word And They’ll Remember You

“It’s not really a big thing, but I always appreciate it when a model says the approximate timeframe in which she will BRB, and does that.” (source: ambercutie.com)

OK, he referred to models performing on freemium cam sites, but you get the point. Keep your word, whether that means to:

  • log in at the hour you agreed with your members, in the chat, that you’d be online
  • show up on time for your prepaid shows
  • perform the type of shows you promised them you’d perform

See? Nothing out of the ordinary.

But it’s small things like this, when you “forget” what you promise, that discourage a first-time customer from (ever) turning into a regular.

“Your fans can adore you, but they also have their own schedules.” (source: YNOT Summit)

3. Take Notes and You’ll Slowly Turn them into Regular Members

I mean, this is the minimum of respect you can show your members: not to mix up the personal details they share with you.

This Is The #1 Reason Why You Don’t Have Your Own Group of Regular Members Yet

For then it’d be almost like you were in an intimate moment with your own mister Handsome and he calls you… by the name of another girl. Not cool.

The freaking simple solution to this? Take notes!

Excel sheets, the Notes app on your phone, sticky notes, you name it. Write down anything that:

  • you could bring up in your next 1-on-1 with him to show him that you remember that… he has a dog named Rhino and his favorite sport is hockey, not baseball
  • you’ll want to keep at hand to save you from embarrassing situations where you risk messing up members’ personal information

Final Tip: Just Put Yourself In Their Shoes

This is the easiest way to really see just how important it is to show your members respect.

This Is The #1 Reason Why You Don’t Have Your Own Group of Regular Members Yet

To show them respect before you show them that you’re non-judgemental when it comes to their fetishes, that you love to please them, that you…

So, just think about it for a second:

  • you, too, don’t want to lose your money on something that’s not worth it, right?
  • you, too, don’t like to be cheated/frauded
  • you, too, work your ass off for your money
  • you, too, have to deal with sh*tty members

So do they. They, too, might have horrible bosses or terrible customers of their own at work.

“I thought about this a lot and while you usually come from the “other” side in terms of respect, meaning respect payed to the model by the members, the other direction is also true… And it might be easy to forget that there are also those who reflect more and are not interested to hurt anyone or be verbally abusive. Being professional as a model also means IMO to be able to differentiate between those two groups of members. 

So basically I like models who respect me.” (source: ambercutie.com)

A little empathy is enough to subconsciously stop you from doing something that you, in return, wouldn’t like them to do to you.

Such as not giving a damn whether they hope/expect that you’d be online.

In short, just be there, regularly, show your members that you respect them and you’ll get there. You’ll build your own group of regular members.

The END!

Your turn now:

What do you think of this too obvious “secret” of all those models with solid communities of regulars?

Do you think it would work if you incorporated it into your own strategy as a SkyPrivate model?

Do you find it too common? Ineffective?

Let’s start a debate in the comments below!

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio, Kelly Sikkema, and Raphael Renter.

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Why You’ll Want to Get Yourself on the “Promoted Models” List: 6 Main Reasons

Just imagine: the first thing that members see when they land on the Profiles page is your avatar!

You’re right there, at the very top of the page, all eyes on you…

No need to imagine it, actually: you can just use the new feature in your model account — Promoted positions — and get yourself at the top of the Profiles page.

Both on SkyPrivate and on our affiliates’ websites.

It’s super simple: just follow the 5 easy steps explained here to activate your bidding and you’re good to go.

Still a bit skeptical?

Then here are the 6 main reasons why you don’t want to be left out of the Promoted Models list:

1. You Get All the Eyeballs on Your Profile

And the more exposure you have, the more chances you get to turn visitors into your paying customers.

But I’m just stating the obvious here, right?

It’s pretty much like being at the top of Google’s first results page.

2. You Can Be a Promoted Model Even If You’re Just Starting Out on SkyPrivate

Yep, it’s that easy.

No need to meet 101 requirements, to be a registered SkyPrivate model for “X” months, to have “X” profile views per day, or “Y” Skype calls per hour.

You just bid for one of the promoted spots at the top of the Profiles page and… that’s it!

The higher your bid amount, the higher your chances to be one of the few Promoted Models.

It’s the one and only requirement you’ll need to ever worry about.

3. You Get to Pay Less than What You Bid

Let’s say you’re on THE list: you’re one of those Promoted Models on top of the Profiles page.

Did you bid… $40 and the next Model in line bid only $25? Then it’s only $25 that you pay (not your actual bid amount).

So, you pay what the next model in the hierarchy has bid.

In other words, you pay less than what you bid.

Note! If both you and the next model in line bid… $40, let’s say, you pay $40.

In short, you pay the amount that the next model in line bids, whether it’s smaller or the same as yours.

To sum up: you always stand high chances to pay less than what you bid.

Unlike with the bidding on other cam sites, where you have zero chance to pay anything less than your actual bid amount.

4. You Can Update Your Bid at Any Time and Secure Your Top Spot

Don’t worry if your bidding position gets worse: you can update your bid any time during the 24-hour bidding process.

So, there’s no risk, no lucky guessing, no… bidding “blindfolded”.

You can keep an eye on your bidding position and bump it up any time until the daily bidding ends.

The only thing you need to do to secure your spot among the Promoted Models at the top of the page is to monitor the changes on the leaderboard.

5. You Make Your Profile Stand Out from the Crowd

Your profile will be one of the very few ones wearing a “Promoted” red ribbon. One that will set it apart from the rest of the profiles and grab members’ attention.

So, do you want your profile to stand out or to… get lost in the huge crowd of sexy avatars on SkyPrivate?

6. You’ll Be One of the Promoted Models on SkyPrivate (Usually no More Than 10)

Just think about it: there are 30.000+ models on SkyPrivate and usually no more than 10 “Promoted Models” on the Profiles page.

Members would see your profile pictures before the other… 29.999+ models’ own profile pictures.

Do you see the type of exposure you’d be missing out on?

It’s The Easiest Way to Get Your Profile into the Spotlight And Keep It There

All you have to do is just bid for one of the top spots on the page to get your model profile at the top of the page.

And to be consistent and persevering with your bidding to secure your spot there.

That’s it.

It’s the surest and quickest way to make sure that members will see your profile picture before those of all the other… 29.999+ models on SkyPrivate.

It’s up to you now: you either push your profile right at the top and keep it there.

Or you just… leave it lingering where it’s now.

If you do not want to wait in line anymore, just follow the quick steps here and claim your top spot on the page!

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

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How to Identify Time Wasters: 4 Useful Tips (from our top-earning models)

Do you know a time-waster when you see one?

Not always since you’re reading this blog post.😜

A blog post that started from a question coming from a SkyPrivate model:

“How can u tell who’s just basically wasting your time and wanting free chat and who’s actually serious and wants to go online chat?” (source: whalehunter.cash)

How do you draw the line between being friendly and being too friendly? To the point that you start to sabotage yourself?

How can you be sure you’re not too rigid with a paying member?

In short:

How do you identify time wasters from the very first minutes of conversation?

What clues give them away?

Here are just 4 of them:

1. They Ask Open-Ended Questions

  • “What kind of outfits do you have?”
  • “What kinks are you into?”
  • “What roleplay do you like best?”

And so on. You know where I’m heading to…

I’m talking about the type of questions that clearly point out that:

  • He hasn’t even bothered to read the description on your profile page
  • He‘s trying to trick you into talking about sexy stuff for as long as possible
  • He doesn’t know what he wants

“I can’t tell if these guys just need a lot of hand holding to make it happen, or if they’re just getting their rocks off by just talking to me and don’t plan to actually do the show.”  (source: ambercutie.com)“

On the other hand, a member who does know what he wants will ask you yes/no questions most of the time:

  • Do you masturbate in your shows?
  • Do you have toy X?
  • Can you do Y?

2. How to Identify Time Wasters: They Ask These Types of Questions…

  • “I like satin panties. What kind of panties do you own?”
  • “What do you do in a live show?”
  • “What’s the most annoying customer you’ve ever had?”
  • “What’s the weirdest request you’ve ever got?”
  • “What heels do you own?”

They ask open-ended questions and any type of questions that trick you into sharing an experience/memory with them.

Don’t fall for that!

“It’s a fine line to walk/ balance between being friendly, but not too friendly. These time-wasters can be friendly, but ultimately completely sabotage your business, if you entertain them too much.” (source: ambercutie.com)

3. They Drag You Into Endless Chit-Chatting

“I desperately want to use the phrase “shit or get off the pot” in here somewhere, but a model that orders someone to metaphorically shit might get taken literally!” (source: ambercutie.com)

How do you identify time wasters?

They’re those members who try to get you into dirty talking and never-ending chatting in the free chat.

You know them, those who don’t seem to get to the point even after 10/15 minutes.


  • “Where u from btw?”
  • “Do you have a boyfriend?”
  • “Is he Russian/American/Colombian?”
  • “Do you have a strap on? Is it big? Is it white? Is it black? Would you use it to…?”

… type. You get the idea.

These are clear hints that you’re dealing with a big chatter (aka freeloader).

4. They Haven’t Read Even 10% of the Description on Your Profile

Does he ask you if you’d be his virtual girlfriend even though it says right there, on your profile page, that you do femdom shows?

Or does he ask you if you own a nurse suit even if you’ve already listed all the outfits you own in your description?

He could be a time-waster or just a “lazy” paying customer (who’s still taking up too much of your time).

OK, so we’ve gone through the 4 key clues that’ll help you identify time wasters. Now, how about some techniques you could use to keep their number to a minimum?

To keep them at a distance or to minimize the time you spend with them, at least.

Here’s what you can do…

A. Guide the Conversation and Keep It on Track

Sometimes you need to step in, cut the bullshit (aka “the rambling”) and make him get to the point.

Your conversation in the free chat should boil down to 2 key aspects:

  • Can you do the show he’s looking for: yes or no?
  • Is he willing to get to playtime after 5 minutes: yes or no?

This brings us to the next technique:

B. Set a 5-Minute Rule

Give them 5 minutes, no more, to ask their questions in the free chat.

If the member approaching you knows what he wants and his intention is, indeed, to go live with you, 5 minutes should be enough to answer his yes/no questions.

C. Set Boundaries in Your Description

State what you won’t do right on your profile page to weed out time wasters from paying customers.

Have you pointed out on your profile that you don’t do “daddy dom” roleplay and someone approaches you on Skype asking if you do precisely that?

That should be a warning sign for you that you might be dealing with a time waster.

D. Include as Much Info as Possible in Your Description

This way, you reduce the chances that they ask you what toys/outfits you have, what roleplays you do, what fetishes you’re into.

Leave them with as few “pretexts” as possible to ask for info that’s already there, on your profile page, for them to read.

Not your fault if they’re too lazy to read your description…

E. Set a Limited No. of Questions They Can Ask in the Free Chat

Limit the number of questions to 3 or 5: an efficient system to streamline things a bit.

Being this straightforward from the start will discourage them from beating around the bush in the free chat.

F. Use the “Lookup Member” Feature in Your Model Account

Did you know you could check a SkyPrivate member’s activity history right from your model account?

It’s the “Lookup Member” feature and it’s right there, on your dashboard. It allows it to:

  • check if the person approaching you on Skype is, indeed, a SkyPrivate member
  • get access to some info about him

In short, use it to look for antecedents and warning signs.

The END!

These are some of the best tips that our top-earning models use to identify time wasters and keep them at a distance.

What are some of your own techniques for spotting and discouraging freeloaders?

Share them with the other models right here, in the comments!

Photos: Unsplash and Pexels.


Cam Girl Rates: What Should You Charge as a SkyPrivate Model?

Cam Girl Rates: What Should You Charge as a SkyPrivate Model?

The price you think you’re worth…

“I’m afraid of overcharging and I’m also afraid of selling things for way too cheap.“ (source: reddit.com)

I’m not being of much help to you now, am I?

If it makes any difference, this is a dilemma that all the SkyPrivate models have faced at some point:

  • How do you set your cam girl rates per minute?
  • How much should you charge for a private cam show?
  • Will you earn more if you charge the minimum rate?
  • Is it a rule that, as a newbie, you should charge the minimum rate? 
  • Is a rise of your cam girl prices alone a guarantee that you’ll earn more?

Let’s get you the answers.

1. “Do You Think It’s Better to Set a Low or High Price?”

A question found on wecamgirls.com that got me thinking.


  • lower rates = more calls, right?
  • but higher rates = less work

… and it’s also a signal to members that you value your skills, your time, yourself.

My experience has been: treat yourself like a luxury commodity and you will become one. “ (source: reddit.com)

A better answer here than the standard “charge the minimum rate” or “set the highest price per minute” is:

Go for adequate charging.

Let me explain.

2. Set the Minimum Rate and You’ll Attract The Cheap Members

And the rude ones, too.

My experience: the cheaper your price, the more rude the users are.” (source: wecamgirls.com)

Cam Girl Rates: What Should You Charge as a SkyPrivate Model?Here are just some of the signals you send out when charging the lowest cam girl prices:

  • You’re willing to do a lot for just a few bucks (even if it’s not included in your “menu”)
  • You’re desperate enough to work more for less (and members “smell” desperation)
  • You don’t value yourself (why would they?)

At the moment, I set the minimum rate on all sites because I want to make more $.”

Can you see the flaws in this “strategy”?

An efficient strategy would allow you to work smarter, not harder.

3. Price Yourself Higher and You Get Better Customers in the Long Run

Would you build a fanbase of loyal minute men or one of high-paying members?

It’s amazing the time wasters raising your prices eliminates. Finding the confidence to price yourself higher is also a super empowering feeling!” (source: reddit.com)

Just think about it:

If you set 1$/minute for a private cam show, you put your green light ON for… time-wasters. Those members who wouldn’t dare “bother” other SkyPrivate models that charge higher rates.

With you, instead, they do dare to get greedy (and rude).

To ask you to be all naked when the session starts so they wouldn’t need to pay more for polite conversation and striptease.

Even though your rate is already user-friendly.

Do you want that?

To have to keep up with such types of customers X hours per day? For, your rates are low, so you can’t afford to turn on your plugin only now and then.

Instead, a higher rate acts like:

  • a filter for cheap asses
  • a magnet for high-paying customers

Those who’re worth keeping in the long run.

The ones with higher standards (and better manners).

4. Cam Girl Rates: “Around How Much Is Fair/Reasonable?”

Start by looking at other SkyPrivate models’ profiles and try to figure out what’s “adequate”.

Tip! Pick 5 models with the same level of experience as yours, a similar menu of services, same category, same rank, etc. Add their prices, and divide the sum by 5. You’ll then get the average price that models from your league charge.

Cam Girl Rates: What Should You Charge as a SkyPrivate Model?

Still, it doesn’t mean that you should stick to “average”.

But what’s in a SkyPrivate cam girl’s price, more exactly?

  • Her level of experience
  • How good she is at entertaining, engaging with her members, and building long-term relationships with them
  • The time and money she’s invested in improving her skills, her shows (equipment, time invested in attending webinars, lingerie, make-up, room decor, English courses, etc.)

Words of wisdom!

  1. Experience without growth/self-improvement is pretty worthless and doesn’t justify higher prices.
  2. Lack of experience compensated by great people skills, advanced English level, and a good work ethic is not a reason in itself for setting the minimum rate.

Good to know!

  • Rushing in to raise your rates without first completing your profile on SkyPrivate is less effective
  • You can boost your earnings with dynamic pricing: use higher rates on special days (V Day, Christmas…)

5. BONUS! What Happened When Some SkyPrivate Models Raised Their Rates

We’ve noticed 2 things:

  • the majority of them earned 69% more
  • the majority of them decreased their calls with 66%

And this translates into:

More money with less hustle!

And this is your long-term goal, too, isn’t it?

Wrapping Up

Setting the most adequate cam girl rates on SkyPrivate means:

  • studying other models in your “league”
  • fighting against the “If I charge less I’ll earn more” mentality
  • aligning our rates to your key objective: work smarter not harder

Or “quality over quantity” if we’re referring to the type of members you want your rates to attract.

The END!

Now, I strongly encourage you to disagree with me. With all these tips and myth-busters on setting the right price as a SkyPrivate model presented here.

So, let’s hear your arguments: what are your thoughts on this topic?

Let’s chat right here, in the comments!

How to Succeed as a FinDomme: 5 Ways to Build Long-Term Relationships with Your Subs

How to Succeed as a FinDomme: 5 Ways to Build Long-Term Relationships with Your Subs

What do they really want?

If you have the answers (not the “answer”) to this question, you have a high chance of succeeding as a financial dominatrix.

But if your strategy right now is to regurgitate the same lines you’ve seen online, you won’t stand out from the crowd.

And there is a huge crowd of findommes these days, where competition is fierce…

Knowing what your finsubs want means investing time in:

  • getting to know them
  • discovering what triggers them
  • building and nourishing relationships based on mutual trust

Which is way more than the mere teasing and denial trick.

Now, here are the key ingredients of the recipe that successful FinDommes use to:

  • grow their relationships with their subs
  • build up their devotion

1. Take Your Time to Get to Know… Each One of Them

What do they really want?

OK, besides the obvious, which is releasing control and giving away their money.

Why has sub X or sub Y called you on Skype in the first place?

Here, any successful financial domme would tell you that:

Finsubs are different. They crave different things, and it’s different approaches that get them going when it comes to financial domination.

You can’t afford to guess it: you need to invest time in getting to know them. There’s no shortcut here.

“So I just take a pic of me doing the loser sign and call the guys “cash cunts.” Erm, no. That’s not being a financial dominatrix. That’s you being rude.” (source: wecamgirls.com )

Does your sub, the one who’s just called you on Skype:

  • want to be encouraged instead of bullied, seduced rather than mocked at?
  • crave humiliation and get off on having a sexy model be bitchy to him?
  • feel this one-time urge to be financially dominated: to pay you a tribute and then… off he goes to another findomme?

Or is he interested in getting to know you better and building a long-lasting bond with you?

“Findom isn’t a quick fix for cash. Instead, it’s a beautiful, well-thought-out art, complete mental manipulation, and control without the sub even realizing you’re doing it.” (source: dailymail.co.uk )

Financial domination is a fundamentally psychological fetish. There’s more that goes into it than just forcing someone to hand you his money.

So, how could you possibly become the best at it if:

  • you don’t know how their minds work around this fetish: what makes them tick?
  • you just take a tried-and-tested scenario, that you’ve found on another financial dominatrix’s Twitter account, and just force-fit it on all your subs?

Be smarter than that.

They’re different, as well as you’re different (or at least you should develop a unique style as a financial dominatrix):

  • Some of them want to pamper you: to offer you the life of a princess
  • Some of them feel humiliated if the woman they obsess about doesn’t demand them to pay their tributes in exchange for her attention

The first step is to become aware of that: your finsubs want to serve you in different ways.

2. Find Your Inner Findomme

Discover and polish your unique style as a Domme. And that goes way beyond looks and specific accessories.

Sure, hot curves and long sexy legs do help, but they complement and do not define your style as a findomme.

How to Succeed as a FinDomme: 5 Ways to Build Long-Term Relationships with Your Subs

After all, there will always be a financial dominatrix hotter than you.

So, what’s your inner findomme like? What’s her style?

  • Is she more of the sensual type? One who’d get what she wants without specifically demanding it?
  • Is she the “Cruella”, “spoiled brat” type, that some subs are looking forward to finding and being controlled by?

Go ahead and do your research. Then, engage in some self-analysis and find your own style of approaching this fetish.

Embrace it and perfect it.

Build your relationship with your subs on top of it: the games you’ll come up with, your tone of voice, the words that you’ll use, the feelings you’ll capture…

“If you simply create a Twitter account, put up a picture of you flipping off the camera, and post “Pay up, piggies!” you will just show potential clients how much you truly do not understand their fetish.” (source: ynotcam.com)

In short, if you’re planning to regurgitate the cliches you find online, you’ll prove to your subs that there’s nothing more than that you can offer them in regards to their fetish.

3. Learn to Master the Art of Timing

Now that you know each of your subs’ hot points and you’ve defined your style as a financial dominatrix, you’ll want to learn to seize that perfect timing.

To make the well-timed connection between spending and arousal.

When your subs are turned on and ready to spend, all you need is perfect timing to trigger the spending. And that release of endorphins they’re craving for.
How to Succeed as a FinDomme: 5 Ways to Build Long-Term Relationships with Your Subs

Now, pressing the right buttons, walking him through, building up all that excitement, seizing the right time to trigger the spending does call for:

  • time: you’ll need to invest plenty of it to fully understand your subs
  • empathy

This is what you’ll need to give, in exchange, if you’re aiming to build relationships with devoted subs and not simply to connect with one-timers.

4. Praise Good Behavior: Let Them Know When They’ve Pleased You

Just think about it: men that have this fetish are craving to please you, to spoil you.

That’s what keeps them wanting to come up and keep spoiling you.

“If he feels proud to have pleased you, he will want to please you again.” (source: wecamgirls.com)

So, go ahead and praise good behavior in your financial subs.

A tactic you’ll want to incorporate into your money mistress style if you’re aiming at long-lasting relationships, with particularly devoted subs.

In this case, by being sweet you strengthen your control over him and secure his devotion to you.

5. Build Trust With Your Financial Submissives

And trust, mutual trust, is the key ingredient of the recipe for success in this niche.

For maybe you can get away with regurgitating lines and tactics you’ve seen elsewhere and pretend you understand this fetish.

But not in the long run.

If you want your subs to keep handing you money, “drowning” you in tips on SkyPrivate, you need to win their trust first. Complete trust and total commitment is what your financial subs are craving for.

And how do you build trust?

You prove to them that you validate their kink and accept it. That there’s no need for them to feel shameful about it.

You give them your time in exchange for their devotion: custom content, time to cater to their urge to spoil you, time to get to know them better

You do your best to connect with them: financial domination done right is all about the connection between a man with this kink and the woman he worships

The more they trust you, the more intense their devotion to you will be and the stronger your relationship will become.

Pro Tip! Instead of waiting for that big sub… whale, you’ll want to focus on nurturing your relationships with your good-paying subs. Building their trust in you and nourishing their devotion will turn out more profitable, in the long run, than looking for that big ONE whale.

The END!

Just curious now: which of these 5 pieces of advice for “wannabe successful findommes” do you find most helpful for you?

Photo: Unsplash

5 Mistakes That’ll Slowly Ruin Your Relationship with Your Members

5 Mistakes That’ll Slowly Ruin Your Relationship with Your Members

What if you’re sabotaging your own work as a cam model on SkyPrivate?

All those efforts that you’ve put into:

  • constantly improving your Skype shows
  • building your personal brand as a cam girl
  • studying and learning from other models
  • staying up to date with all that’s new in the industry

… and it’s you who’s putting your relationship with your members at risk.

How? By making at least one of the 5 biggest mistakes a cam model can make.

Here they are:

Mistake No. 1: You… Beg Them to Tip You

What do you “succeed” when you do this?

You either:

  • make them feel uncomfortable
  • or annoy them

It’s either one or the other.

So, if you’re guilty of doing this mistake, you might want to reconsider your tipping earning “strategy” before you end up pissing off your members for good.

Make sure there is a line (and that both you and your customers see it) between the wink wink nudge nudge jokey “Did you have a good time?” and the straightforward “Tip me bby”.

And yes, it’s still annoying and awkward even if we’re talking about one of your regulars here.

Explicitly begging for tips is the shortest path to killing a relationship with a SkyPrivate member.

Mistake No. 2: You Bitch About Other SkyPrivate Models to Them

5 Mistakes That’ll Slowly Ruin Your Relationship with Your Members
“The thing that makes me feel kind of “icky”… bitching at other models. The whole “that nasty ass skank is stealing my customers” thingy… I removed her from favorites and haven’t gone back since she had a rant in one of her shows.” (source: ambercutie.com)

Imagine this:

You and your loved one have booked a mountain cabin for the weekend.

You can’t wait to get there, unwind, and relieve all that stress you’ve been holding in for the past weeks/months.

But once you get there, he keeps talking to you about all those assholes at work. And he just won’t stop… pouring all that negative energy and frustration into your years.

See my point?

Your members take you on private Skype sessions so they can relax, unwind, and forget about their daily problems and responsibilities for at least a couple of minutes.

And hearing you bitching other models that might have:

  • “stolen” some of your loyal customers
  • aren’t as hot or as experienced as you are, yet they dare to set higher rates
  • aren’t as hard-working and dedicated as you are, yet they’re so f*cking popular on SkyPrivate

… will be just like a punch in the face when all they wanted was a short “getaway from real-life” and their own daily shit to handle with.

Don’t do that.

Or stop doing it — playing the drama queen — if you still want to turn your current members into regular ones.

Mistake No. 3: You Hide Your Face on Cam

Do you put on “decapitated” shows for your members?

5 Mistakes That’ll Slowly Ruin Your Relationship with Your Members
Maybe you’re just too shy or you’re playing the “mysterious woman” role. Either way, just put yourself into the shoes of a SkyPrivate member:

You chose a Skype video call over a private session on a browser-based cam site (e.g. LiveJasmin, Streamate, ImLive, etc.) because you wanted to feel much closer to the model that caught your eye.

And what do you get, instead?

A 1-on-1 with a headless cam girl with a hot body who could be… anyone.

That feels so impersonal, don’t you agree?

No eye contact, no flirty smile, no facial expression whatsoever.

Just a sexy body masturbating itself.

Mistake No. 4: You Don’t Send them the Custom Videos They Buy
from You

“I have bought/tipped for plenty of stuff that I never got or required several PM or mails on my part and weeks and sometimes even a couple of months before receiving. At some point I just give up.”

Never overpromise and underdeliver.

Or, at least, get back to the customer with the explanation/apologies/attempt to negotiate another deadline for that custom piece of content you agreed to send him.

If… life happens — say you had an emergency and it’s impossible to have that custom video ready on time — let them know that.

Or, if no emergency stroke and you simply forgot that member X had tipped you for a custom video you were supposed to send him on day Y, start using an agenda.

Write everything down from now on.

Or make notes on your phone, whatever works for you.

Pro tip! Time-management and planning skills are what set apart successful cam models from… the less successful ones.

Mistake No. 5: You’re Not Punctual for Your Prepaid Shows

And this goes hand in hand with mistake no. 4.

How can you avoid this type of oversights, when a member buys and schedules a session with you and you forget about it?

By starting to see this — you putting on Skype shows as a SkyPrivate model — as a “real” job.

Not something you do when you run out of cash.

Or just now and then, depending on your mood and occasional spare time.

Once you start approaching it with the same level of seriousness you’d approach a 9 to 5 job (not saying that you should be camming from 9 to 5, though), you start building the right mindset for it.

Then, you automatically start to write down the details about the custom content you agree to deliver, schedule your prepaid shows, and, overall, stick to your commitments.

Yes, you should do your best to have as much fun as possible while on cam. As that’ll reflect on the quality of your shows and the relationship with your members.

But it’s only after you’ve made sure that:

  • you’ve got your schedule of pre-bookings in place
  • you’re able to complete all the custom orders you’ve taken

… that the fun can begin.

In short: make sure you can deliver on your promises. As simple as that.

The END!

Time to have a moment of honesty with yourself now: see if you can identify any of these 5 mistakes in your work as a SkyPrivate model so you can start avoiding them from now on.

And since we’ve tackled the topic of the most annoying things (for Members) that you could do, let’s reverse the question:

What’s that thing that SkyPrivate members do or say that’s bugging you the most?

Just drop it in the comments below!

Photos by OSPAN ALI, Annie Spratt, and Jonathan Tomas on Unsplash

How to Get the Spark Back to a Relationship with One of Your Regulars: 7 Tips

How to Get the Spark Back to a Stale Relationship with a One of Your Regulars: 7 Tips

He’s been one of your regulars for so long that your weekly Skype sessions used to be as predictable as… the sun rising.

“Used to be”, that’s right. Since for some time now he’s been calling you less and less often. And your 1-on-1’s have become shorter and less… intense.

Where did it all go?

For you two used to bond just perfectly. It was clear that there was more to your relationship than… boobies and dirty talk.

And, most importantly: how can you get that spark back?

We’re here to help! Here are 7 simple ways that you can… rekindle the fire between you and him.

1. Pause Your Lovense for More… Chit Chatting

“…of the models I’ve stopped watching, reasons are… changing in format from social interaction to Lovense focused masturbation show. I still prefer the social aspect. Discussions, joking around, teasing.”

Now’s the right time to be honest with yourself: evaluate your performance and run an audit of all the aspects you could improve.

Like, for instance, no longer trading those long chats you used to have for… masturbation marathons. Maybe it’s because of those long, fun talks that he’s become one of your regulars in the first place.

Could you have become obsessed with putting on the hottest Lovense shows for him that you’ve started to care less about the fun you two had just… talking?

OK, you wanted to spice up your Skype meetings. But, is there a chance that you might have gone a little bit… overboard with that?

Could you have started to focus more on your steamy performance and less on the… man in the audience?

“Watching a woman play with her lovense can be fun, but it’s the same thing every time and simply put – that’s boring and repetitive.” (source: ambercutie.com/)

Engage him in longer talks for a change and… see how it goes.

2. Get Creative: Experiment New Things on Your One-on-Ones

Have you been camming from your boudoir-like bedroom since… forever?

Maybe it’s time to change the setting. How about a… cabin in the mountains for a change?

Book a room over one weekend and invite your regular member to join you there… virtually. It’d be like your escapade. A retreat for two, far from the mad world.

And this is just an example. There are so many ways that you could surprise him with: just think outside the box.

Outside the pattern you’ve been following when putting together your Skype shows.

Go for a… bubble bath show instead of the same ol’ same ol’ self-teasing in your king-size bed. Or for a show somewhere… outdoors.

Speaking of which…

3. Put That Special Show He’s Been Craving for So Long

Maybe he’s been asking you if you could… bring another model to your Skype 1-on-1s. Or if you could play a specific role that was not initially listed in your menu.
How to Get the Spark Back to a Stale Relationship with a One of Your Regulars: 7 Tips

Or did he ask you, at some point in the past, if you could make one of his most secret fantasies come true but… you weren’t ready for it yet?

How about now?

4. Surprise Him with a Special Event Show

And you could go beyond the quite predictable birthday shows (although that’s something that never gets old😉).

Look for other special days, like the… National 69 Day, for instance (just a random example).

On this day, you could treat him with a Skype show starring you and… one of your cam girl BBFs.

Or maybe you’re thinking about surprising him with a thematic show on Star Wars Day (if you know for a fact that he is, indeed, a Star Wars fan).

Just get creative, dust your current show, and take the monotony out of the picture.

5. Stop Taking Yourself too Seriously: Funny Wins Every Time

Here’s a possible scenario:

That regular member you’re trying to (re)seduce has, at some point, started to grow a bit… bored with the “sophisticated seductress” role you’ve been playing since you two started to meet on Skype. And you missed that… moment.

How to Get the Spark Back to a Stale Relationship with a One of Your Regulars: 7 Tips
He might be looking for a fun and bubbly sexy babe, to cheer him up instead, at this point in his life.

So, just step out of your role of an all-too-serious, too cool, too… badass femme fatale and loosen up. A bubbly girl next door, that’s fun to hang out with, that’s what he might need right now.

Just add a joke or two (dirty or not) to your “repertoire” for a change and… see how it goes.

6. Don’t Become Too Familiar

“Say… what? I shouldn’t be too familiar if I want to rebond with a regular?” you might ask yourself.

Just like in a long-term relationship, you don’t even notice when you start to… let yourself go. In this case, to lower your standards of quality for your shows and stop putting in the same effort as in the beginning.

And it shows. He sees it and he senses it.

“… start to be TOO FAMILIAR. think it’s ok to do less or waste more time in a show because, ‘we’re cool right?”

In other words:

Stick to your work ethic (the biggest mistake you could make is to become a schedule flake). Always give your best effort, even if it’s your… 57th session with him.

For there’s nothing that puts out the “flame” quicker than the feeling that… you’re no longer worth the effort.

7. Spoil Him With Custom Content

Did he say anything about a deep fantasy he’s always had?

Now, if you want to really blow him away (and bring that spark back), you could surprise him with a custom video instead of a live session.

You can always use “tips” as a payment method for custom videos.

This way, he can watch it over and over again, and feel like the directory of his own steamy hot video. One starring his favorite model playing precisely that secret fantasy he’s been having for such a long time.

The END!

What do you say now: which of these pieces of advice do you plan to test first?

Let us know in the comments!

Photos by Victor Gomes, Sharon McCutcheon, and Cleyton Ewerton.

If You’re To Use a Translator, Use It Wisely! Our Top 5 Recommendations

“As a member I agree with the previous posts. If you explain that you are practicing your english, users will know what to expect. I don’t think I’ve ever seen users react badly if the english isn’t perfect.”

And here’s what another Member says:

“After all, translators are pretty flawed. It’s easy to tell someone’s level of fluency.”

Now, let’s try a little empathy game:

You’re the person on the other side of the screen, the SkyPrivate member. And you can’t wait for a steamy 1-on-1 with this drop-dead gorgeous babe who, moreover, speaks excellent English (at least that’s what she says on her profile page).

At first sight, she looks just like a sexy girl next door that’s fun to hang around with: playful, with a gorgeous smile on her face all the time. A bit shy and monosyllabic, but that’s normal, you assume: you’ve just met.

So, you start talking, encouraged by her big smile and positive attitude. You tell her all about your day, your hobbies, what you hate about the people at work…

You’re so thrilled that you’ve finally found a girl that’s easy to talk to and so hot looking…

She seems to be such a good listener, but… the moment she starts typing or speaking, she says some weird stuff like: “Me to like go to the see at summer.”

Wouldn’t you feel:

  • stupid?
  • frustrated and angry?
  • very disappointed?
  • perplexed? 

You get what I’m trying to tell you here…

Now, enough with the empathy exercise. Let’s get to the point of this blog post.

Here are 5 ways that you’re sabotaging your relationships with your Members and your chances to grow as a cam Model (and to boost your earnings) when you’re not open about using a translator:

1. You Create False Expectations

Just think about it:

You’ve just met a guy on Tinder and he’s just… perfect: great looks, charming personality (judging by all those pictures of him with his lab and his 2 cats), shares the same interests and hobbies as you.

And, the cherry on top: he speaks your language like a native speaker (he had lived in your home country for 5 years, he says).

Then, you two meet…

And, surprise, surprise: Mr. Perfect doesn’t seem to be able to say more than 1-2 phrases in your language: “Thank You” and “You’re beautiful”.

Too bad! You were so ready to ask him things, to tell him all about yourself.

Instead, you’re now like 2 tourists from different countries, none of them speaking the other one’s language. You can only smile and hope the date will be over soon.

You get the point:

If you are being honest about your English skills, your members will come prepared to your steamy date on Skype.

They’ll know they need to use shorter phrases, to speak a bit louder maybe, and to articulate some of the words.

It’s pretty much like going on a date where he says he’s taking you out to dinner:

You get ready, put on your make-up, do your hair, put on that stylish black dress you’ve been dying to wear, choose your glam heels… And he takes you to someone’s kitchen party, in fact.

Where, obviously, you look ridiculously all dressed up compared to the other guests.

When you’re not being transparent about your level of English you make the member feel precisely like that: ridiculous, frustrated, annoyed, and cheated.

And you cut your chances of turning him into one of your regulars down to… zero.

2. You Make Your Members Feel Cheated

Would you date someone who “has” an imaginary Ferrari, that he keeps posting on Instagram, or a guy with a real BMW? Who’s also open about the fact that he’s saving for a Ferrari?

OK, maybe the example here is a bit exaggerated, but you get the point:

Are you using a translator software tool to communicate with your Members and you’re working on improving your English communication skills?

Great! Let them know that, before the call.

“When you’re on camera, you know intuitively that “communication” can be done without words… so much of it will be that way… but don’t hesitate to practice… AND ASK people how to pronounce certain words… (they will find ways to spell the words out for you so you can learn how to say them).”

When you let your members know that yes, you are using a translator app and you’re willing to practice your spoken English, too, you:

  • Help them adjust their communication and requests accordingly and adopt a simpler way of talking to you.
  • Engage them in your learning process.

There’s nothing sexier than a hot babe uttering certain dirty words with a Spanish or a Russian accent.

And there’s nothing more of a turn-on for a member than to step into the shoes of an… English teacher helping a hot cam girl to improve her language skills 

I also figured it was sort of just an accepted fact that not everyone is fluent though, kind of like “hey, you don’t speak my language, but if we can converse well enough and I find you attractive, we’re all set.“

3. You Make the Communication with Them Seem so… Unnatural

And here I’m thinking of those cases when, unsure of your English, you mute your microphone and reduce the entire communication to… typing.

That’s so sterile and impersonal, you have to admit.

No one goes on Skype to just… send text messages to a cam model. Skype is all about closeness and a more personal interaction and the voice plays such an important role here.

Otherwise, he could have gone to a strip club to watch a gorgeous babe get naked, not saying a thing to him, right?

“I thought that even if a model couldn’t speak English, there’d be a mic on, since I figure hearing a voice (even if a language not understood or poor audio quality) is much better than no voice at all, but maybe I’m alone on that opinion. (I like to match a voice to a face instead of me guessing lol)”

4. You’re Not Being Yourself on Cam

Remember we’ve talked about building your brand as a cam model? About the fact that:

“…almost any cam Model can be a Domina, a girl next door, or a femme fatale. But only you can be… you!”

Well, by using a translator software and, even worse, hiding this aspect from a member, you tell him that you’re not comfortable with yourself.

That you’re not being yourself and definitely not having fun while on cam with him.

And you only end up transferring your anxiety to him:

“What you most want to be on a webcam, is yourself… and nothing conveys “I’m comfortable with myself” audibly better than your clear EFFORT at engaging others in a new language.”

Being yourself and here I’d add honest and transparent, too is the surest way you’ll ever build and grow relationships with your customers.

5. You Sabotage Yourself by Sabotaging Other SkyPrivate Models

Imagine this:

The member you’re about to have a Skype call with just had a bad experience with another Model on SkyPrivate. It turns out that she pulled a recorded show scam.

And he discovered it!

Now, how would you react if you were in his shoes? Be honest.

  • Would you take out your frustration on the next model and be all cynical and rude to her, even if it’s not her fault that the other cam girl tricked you?
  • Would you try to… scam her, yourself? Maybe ask for a refund, claiming that she didn’t do something she promised she’d perform during the show…

Since, in your mind, as a cheated member, “they’re all the same, anyway”: manipulative and dishonest.

Now, this is exactly how your decision of:

  • hiding the fact that you’re using a translator to communicate with your members
  • not being transparent about your level of English
  • claiming that you have some mic problems

affects other models here on SkyPrivate, who are being honest about their English skills and the use of a translator software tool.

And it impacts the overall experience Members have on the platform. A bad experience that’ll have a boomerang effect on other potential visitors.

And we, you, we all want traffic, more traffic, constant traffic, right? So, would you risk losing it? Would you trade a long-term relationship with a member for a one-time session?

The END!

Now, I’m curious: what’s your honest opinion about using translator software to communicate with Members?

Do you think it helps, but only in the short term, maybe?

Do you find it risky or… not so much if you do it right? Let’s start a debate in the comments below!


Photos by Artem Podrez and Anna Nekrashevich from Pexels.

How to Make Your Regular Members Feel Valued (and Why You Should)

“These are your return customers, the ones who come to your chosen cam site not just to see girls, but to see you.” (source: https://lilsugarplum.com/)

Think of one time when your favorite clothing brand sent you a dedicated email — with your name in the subject line and all that — thanking you for being their loyal customer.

And offering you… something, anything: special discount, a free item, etc.

You knew that this was just a small brick of their whole marketing strategy. And yet, for a few seconds at least, you felt… special, didn’t you?

And valued.

It’s pretty much the same thing with those SkyPrivate members who keep coming back to take you private on Skype:

You’ll want to keep them, cherish them, make them feel… valued!

Pro tip! Always aim for an exclusive club of loyals rather than for a whole legion of… one-timers.

Value consistency and the quality of the relationships you develop with your regular members over mere quantity. 

Now, let’s dive in and see which are the 5 simple ways that you can make your biggest fans on SkyPrivate feel valued for their loyalty.

1. Leave Them “Thank You” Notes after Your Sessions Together

And this is just being polite, after all. 

Did you have a 30-minute (or longer) one-on-one with Him today? Invest no more than 1-2 minutes in a short message on Skype:

“Thank you for today. I’ve really enjoyed it and hope you’ve had a great time, too . Looking forward to our next session together already.“ (or something like that…)

You’ll reach 2 targets at once:


  1. You’ll make him feel valuable and somehow “worthy” of your off-cam time. For, since you’ve taken some of your free time to send out that message, you show him that he’s more than a random “human ATM” to you.
  2. You let him know that you’ve enjoyed it, too.

And believe it or not, this is one of the fantasies that almost any member on SkyPrivate has: that you, too, his favorite babe around here, are having fun.

That you’re genuinely enjoying spending time with him.

Now, if you wish, you could go to the next level and personalize your message a bit more.

A discreet, yet powerful reference here and there to the jokes or to specific details from your previous one-on-one is enough to turn a generic “Thank you” note into a dedicated message.

Just make sure you don’t go overboard with the personalization part.

Otherwise, you risk going from being too impersonal to being too… desperately sweet.

2. Maintain a Basic Follow-Up

And this is no more than writing them short messages like:

“Hey, X! Missed me? I’ll be on Skype tomorrow from 3 PM to 8 PM, so if you want us to pick up where we left last time, feel free to stop by.”

OK, maybe you’ve already posted a message like this one on your Twitter account for your entire fan club to see. 

But it’d be a whole different if you added his name and sent it to him directly. Then he’d no longer feel like just a face in your “crowd of customers”.

He’d feel… special.

And since we’re talking about really special customers here, you, too, are a special babe for him. Otherwise, he wouldn’t come back again and again.

But don’t take that for granted. Instead, get the most out of it.

3. Send Them Surprise Custom Pictures/Videos Now and Then

And here make sure that they’re 100% custom-tailored to each regular’s preferences and not just some free photo sets that you want to surprise them with.

For it’s one thing to give away something and a whole different thing to offer something that’s ultra-personalized. And which shows them that you’ve paid attention.

That you do remember that, for instance, one loyal member had a thing for cheerleader roleplays, but that he’s not so much into the… school teacher fetish.

The idea is to make them feel special and unique, and not simply remembered and acknowledged.

4. Give Them Birthday Private Shows at a Special Rate

If we’re talking about a really special member, consider setting a special rate for him on his birthday and treating him with a “Skype session” type of present.

Not only that you show him that you remembered his birthday, but you impress him by giving him some of your free time.

Just like friends do…

Since time is money and money is time and you’ve just lowered your rate for him, you are giving him some of your… free time, don’t you agree?

Of course, this calls for a little preparation, but so what if you can’t book a session with him on that exact day? Celebrate his birthday on… any other day!

It all comes down to being friendly and attentive, after all. I’d add “empathetic”, as well.

Just put yourself into his shoes:

Wouldn’t you want some extra attention on your birthday from your own favorite people, too? 

And since he’s a regular, you, too, have your special spot on his own list of favorite people.

5. Simply Remember the Things You Two Talked About

“She remembered names, birthdays, personal problems people were struggling with, and details about the joys in the lives of her members.” (source: WeCamgirls.com)

Be an active listener.

No need to take any more of your off-cam time for this. Or to do anything more than just … listen to what your members are telling you during your Skype sessions together.

Did he mention that he had a dog or a cat? Or both? What were their names? Did he say he hated his job as a…? Or was it that he’s recently got the job of his dream, in fact?

Did you talk music or films?

Did he tell you about his addiction? Or about specific body image issues or family problems that he had? 

Keep it in mind, remember it, and act upon it.

Meaning that you should tailor, build, and grow your relationship with your loyal members based on the personal and even intimate info that they share with you.

The END!

Now, these are all common sense things that you could do to make your special members feel… special, don’t you think?

Are you applying them all already?

Or is there any advice on this list that you’d like to apply starting now? A penny for your thoughts in the comments down below


From Scroll to… Call: 5 Types of Photos to Add to Your Profile

“I’m soo fuckin bored of studio girls. With their perfect lighting, perfect sound, sitting around in designer lingerie, in rooms that look like they are waiting to see their dentist. I want a cute model, broadcasting honestly from her own bed. That is maybe a bit horny!”

And could you disagree?

I mean, of course, enjoying a live Skype session with a gorgeous babe is like a fantasy come true.

But choosing to go on a Skype call with a model instead of a private chat room on a cam site means that you’re expecting a more personal camming experience.

In short: it’s like taking an out-of-this-world babe home instead of letting her take you to her room.

SkyPrivate members want to be stunned, but they also expect to feel connected.

And perfection — perfect studio lighting, perfect poses — doesn’t help you build a connection with them.

For pixel-perfect, professional photos don’t reflect… you, the one behind the camera. The one that members could connect with and eventually grow addicted to.

“OK, but how on earth do I get to be this out-of-this-world Goddess and a kinky girl-next-door babe at the same time?” you ask yourself.

You mix the types of photos that you upload on your profile page.

Let me give you just a few tips on how you can pull off the perfect combo:

1. Add Some Sexy Pictures of You… at Home

As a member, you might get struck by gorgeous models flaunting their perfect bodies in professional photos.

Or in breathtaking outdoor settings, freezing in their sexy lingeries to strike the perfect poses.

But you start to feel a bit closer to a hot babe in her own bedroom.

Or in her own kitchen, looking all-natural and sexy-cute in her white t-shirt and panties.

There’s a voyeur inside all of us. How about you lure the one in your own customers?

See my point?

You’ll want to juggle with studio pictures and sexy pictures taken at your place.

For nothing speaks louder of your personality than your home/room. So, how about giving them a glimpse of the real you?

It’ll make the perfect tease, you’ll see.

2. Go for Pics that Show Your Hobbies and Interests

“Make sure you upload only real pictures of yourself (avatar and public profile) that reflect your personality…” (source: How does the ranking system work?)

Now, if you want to “infuse” even more personality into your profile page, you need to consider showcasing some of your hobbies in the photos that you upload.

Remember: it’s personality that connects and turns members into your loyal supporters!

Do you love video games or maybe you’re a work-out addict?

Or maybe you love to cook or to travel and your fridge is covered with magnets from all the places you’ve been to.

Show it in some of your profile pictures.

A sexy cook or a naughty-geeky gamer makes a far better preview of the type of connection members would get if they called you on Skype than a pixel-perfect picture of an inaccessibly hot version of you.

3. Throw in a Selfie Or Two

Selfies come across as spontaneous and somehow… genuine.

And they help you leave that strong impression that you’ve taken them for that specific viewer.

Go for a selfie in your bathroom mirror, after a hot shower. Or take a selfie when you look irresistibly fresh sipping on your morning coffee.

It will come much closer to the idea of an invitation over to your place than a picture of you striking an impossible pose, with several spotlights on you. And with at least one invisible photographer standing between you and the viewer/member…

4. Wear a Sexy Smile, for a Change

I know, the look of a bossy Goddess, of the unapproachable femme fatale and ultra-seductive “maneater” still rocks supreme.

But how about standing out from the crowd of the all-too-serious, “can’t touch this” model stereotypes?

“gorgeous and amazing. But most girls here are usually. But what’s unique about her is that she is really fun to talk to too. Dream Girl!!!!” (a SkyPrivate member’s review)

A flirty smile is still more inviting than an “all-too-serious, hot, but inaccessible” diva look.

And you do want them to call you and not just to fantasize about you while scrolling through your perfect pictures, don’t you?

So, how about sprinkling some pictures of you smiling on your profile page? Sexy flirty smile or friendly cute smile, it’s your choice…

5. Add Some Studio Quality Photos, as Well

For you can’t deliver the “too-hot-to-handle, but approachable” fantasy if you bid on “girl next door” pics only, right?

Striking the perfect balance between “the ultimate babe” and the “sexy chick that’s fun to hang around with” is key here.

So, you’ll need to add some high-quality, professional photos, as well, to leave them… jaw-dropped. To stun them before you connect with them.

The END!

Now, time to get that profile page of yours an eye-catching, yet inviting look! Just start juggling with pixel-perfect and more natural pics of you.


Which Category Should You Choose: BDSM, GFE… Regular?

Which Category Is Right for You: BDSM, GFE… Regular?

Are you dealing with a “paradox of choice” type of situation?

Girlfriend experience, non-adult, regular… BDSM: which category on SkyPrivate works best for you?

Which one is more likely to help you develop stronger relationships with your members and turn them into your regulars?

For that’s the right type of question you should ask yourself and not: “Which category is in high demand right now?”

Well, this is exactly what this post is all about:

A 6-step guide that’ll help you narrow down your choices and identify the best category for you. For your long-term goal: building deeper connections with your members.

1. Start by Observing Other Models, from Each Category

This is one of those tried-and-tested techniques that never gets old.

Make a list of, say, top 10 models (or more) from each category and scan through their profiles.

What type of pictures do domina babes have on their pages? What kind of videos do the models offering girlfriend experience usually post on their profile pages?

How about their bios? What do they sound like?

2. Ask Yourself This…

Keep questioning yourself:

  • “Could I comfortably act out this fetish roleplay?”
  • “Will I be able to do it for a long time from now on?”
  • “Is it believable to me?”
  • “Is it a role that I’ve always wanted to act out?”

For maybe you’re a friendly and bubbly person in your real-life, but in your fantasies, you’re this sarcastic and cynical… bossy Cruella.

Which Category Is Right for You: BDSM, GFE… Regular?

In other words, maybe you’ve always had some secret fetish roleplay that you wanted to explore.

Learn about the different types of categories on SkyPrivate and the particular skills they require. And about… yourself:

What are you naturally drawn to?

What resonates better with your personality? 

3. Choose a Category That’s An Extension of Who You Are

“Your persona should never be a completely different person – merely an extension of who you are.” (source: Wecamgirls.com)

And I’d add here that:

Your persona should be either an extension of who you are or who you’d like to be.

It’s one or the other.

For yes, you can “fake it will you make it”, but eventually it’ll show…

And you do have a plan more solid than the usual “I’ll get rich in 6 months then… I’ll see what happens“, right?

The key here is to:

  • be believable
  • be able to remain loyal to the category you will have selected

… if you want to build strong relationships with your members and retain your regulars.

4. Be Aware of The Less Obvious Aspects of Each Category

For instance, providing GFE is not all about simulating a boyfriend-girlfriend date on Skype. Where you put on the role of a sexy, yet approachable “girl next door” and you act all too flirty, but friendly.

Your customers will expect you to connect with them on an emotional level, as well.

Which Category Is Right for You: BDSM, GFE… Regular?

So that they feel confident and comfortable enough to share their own emotions and feelings with you. If not, what’s the point of having a girlfriend, even if a virtual one, right?

They’ll expect you to treat them as an important part of your life. Can you deliver that fantasy, as well?

Just take your time to ponder on it for a while…

Be sure you’re fully informed of all the less obvious aspects that each fetish roleplay involves before you make a decision.

Don’t just… dive in.

5. Remain Consistent to Keep Your Regular Members

And I’ve already insisted on how important it is to be consistent in a previous blog post, the one on building a personal brand as a cam girl.

But I’ll keep point this out as many times as needed because it’s critical:

Changing your category too many times won’t get you too far.

For 2 main reasons:

  1. You might act out all these roleplays (girlfriend, cruel mistress, sexy wife, naughty girl next door) and play them remarkably well, but there’s only one where you excel
  2. Members visit your profile and call you on Skype because you’re delivering a certain fantasy they have a thing for; if you change your category you… lose them

You lose the chance to turn them into regulars and you also risk looking less believable to new members.

6. Remember: Each Member Expects a Unique Experience from You!

No matter which category you’ll end up choosing…

So, you’ll want to stay away from rigid formulas like:

“If I choose BDSM, I just check “bossy attitude”, “black leather bodysuit”, “impossibly high heels” and maybe a “whip” off the list and… I’m good to go.”

Every one of your Members is different and will come to you with different expectations.

“Expectations” that might not be standard for that particular category that you will have chosen for yourself.

Each of them will expect a unique, ultra-personalized experience with you.

So, no matter the category that you’ll choose, always leave room to add some of your true personality to those roleplay-fetish skills of yours.

To make the experiences more real and truly intimate. Designed specifically for them, on the spot, adapted to their unique kinks and preferences.

And this might mean playing the role of a dominant… girlfriend.

Or dressing up as a mistress to deliver a “vanilla” type of cam experience. Without the bossing around and other predictable stuff a domina would do.

The END!

A bit clearer now how you can trim down your options? So that you pick that category that will enable you to build your community of loyal members?

The one that’ll help you make the most of your efforts as a cam model on SkyPrivate?

Whether it’s a yes or a “not really”, feel free to let us know in the comments!

8 Ways to Engage Your Members: How to Increase Your Call Duration

8 Ways to Engage Your Members: How to Increase Your Call Duration

“When people take me private, more often than not they sign off after just a few minutes! This makes me feel self-conscious, like my shows might not be good…”

Does this sound (all too) familiar to you?

You barely get the time to strip off that your customers sign off.

Then, you keep reading about all these other cam girls who have 20-30 min. long Skype calls (or longer). How do they do that?

How is that even possible? And what is it that you’re doing wrong?

Disclaimer: you’re not doing anything “wrong”! You just need to improve the way you approach your customers a little bit.

This pretty much comes down to one crucial thing: you need to get to know your members (really) well!

And how do you get to do that? Here are 8 simple techniques you can use:

1. Take a Good Look at Them and Their Surroundings

Cam2cam private sessions are “gold” for you when it comes to getting to know your members. Especially when you’re dealing with someone who’s… not much of a talker.

Look at them and employ a little human psychology:

  • How are they dressed?
  • What facial expressions do they have at different moments during the call (do they look shocked when they see you take out that huge dildo or rather… eager?)
  • Do they keep eye contact with you or look at your boobies at all times?
  • What haircuts do they have: a stylish one or a retro, “was cool back in the 80s” kind of haircut?

Next, do your best to get as many clues as you can from the backdrops:

  • a basement-like gloomy room decor (introvert guy there!) or maybe you see a shelf with lots of… board games?
  • a collection of toy cars or maybe there’s a… baseball glove hung there, on the wall?
  • a messy room or a super neat one (OCD alert!)?

2. Pay Attention to Them

And I can’t stress this enough. If you want to get to know your customers:

  • leave your phone in another room (or at least put it on silent mode)
  • don’t stream on multiple cam sites at the same time (there’s no way that you’ll build relationships with them like that; they’ll know you’re not giving them your full attention)
  • keep all distractions away (TV, loud music, etc.) when you’re in a one-on-one session with a customer

The more you let your senses (hearing and sight) distracted by other stimuli, the fewer chances you’ll have to pick up on those hints that your members are giving you.

“Hints” that will help you to get to know them better.

Like the fact that there’s a dog, his dog, barking in the backyard, but… too bad that your music is too loud to hear it.

3. Ask Them Their Names

And make sure you remember them!

OK, maybe there are some exceptions and some of your customers do like it when you call them by generic names like “honey”, “sweetheart” or “sweetie”…

But most of them like it when you’re both sexy and… personable. And there’s no easier way to be personable than by calling them by their names.

Give them your first name, too, if you feel comfortable.

Pro Tip! Never ever start your Skype shows naked!

Why would anyone want to pay a fancy restaurant the full price if they often give out free meals?

4. Remember the Details About Your Customers

And I’m not talking about their names here, but about details from your previous 1-on-1 sessions like:

  • their preferences (did they say they’d want you to lay back or that they get rock hard seeing you in a doggy position?)
  • the topics you chatted about: the upcoming NBA season, his/your pet, favorite movies… the weather

If you want long(er) privates, you need to provide your customers personalized experiences.

And you sure can’t personalize your steamy sessions on Skype if you keep asking them the same questions over and over again:

  • “How do you want me, daddy?”
  • “What do you do for a living?”

… that they’ve already answered to.

Or if you keep wearing red lingerie when they specifically asked you to wear… black one the last time you met online.

8 Ways to Engage Your Members: How to Increase Your Call Duration

5. Chat With Them on Skype Before You Go Live

Another handy way of getting to know your customers is to have a quick chat with them before you go live on cam.

This way, without the pressure of the clock ticking and the money going out of their SkyPrivate member accounts, they’ll be more open and at ease to chat with you.

Ask them a few questions in the chat window before you start the live session:

  • what fetishes are they into (did they already choose something from your “menu” or are they into something else, that you could offer them?)?
  • do your best to pick up on the clues they give you right at this point of your meeting: are they “shy typers”, are they into roleplay/domination, or rather into… chatting and “getting to know each other better”?

This way, you’ll know how to approach them when going live so that:

  • you’re not too shockingly open about your sexuality if they were expecting to see more of a naughty “girl next door” type of model 
  • you don’t annoy them and bore them by acting all “I’m here to listen” and “What kind of show would you like to see?” if they had hoped to meet a hot babe who would… boss them around.

6. Surprise Them with Out of the Box Questions

Instead of sounding like a call center robot who keeps asking the same standard questions:

  • “How are you today?”
  • “How was your day?”
  • “Where are you from?”
  • “What would you want me to do?”

… try asking them some out-of-the-box questions for a change. 

Be creative and be relevant.

8 Ways to Engage Your Members: How to Increase Your Call Duration

What clues do you see there in the background? Any fitness equipment or plants or… an aquarium? Or maybe a CD collection?

What does his accent tell you about him? How about the clothes he’s wearing?

As he answers, do your best to keep the conversation going…

Pro Tip! Slow it down, interact with your customers; that’s the only way you’ll get to know them.

For, if you strip, masturbate, and orgasm in the first 60 seconds, why should you expect your private sessions to last any longer than… 60 seconds?

7. Engage Your Customers with Open-Ended Questions

Instead of the Yes/No questions like:

  • “Do you want me laying on the bad here or standing?”
  • “Are you single or married?”

… try challenging them to give you longer answers and to engage with you in conversations.

Here are just 2 possible open-ended questions you could ask them:

  • “How do you like it when I touch it like this?”
  • “What part of my body turns you on?”

8. Interact with Them on Social Media

This is another way of getting to know them without the “charge by the minute” pressure.

Interact with your members even when you’re not performing on cam and do your best to build relationships with them.

Pro Tip! Always strive to turn your customers into regulars.

The stronger the relationships you develop with your members, the higher your earnings.

And you can’t build and grow those relationships if you don’t know them well enough to keep them engaged.

The END!

Are there any other techniques that you use to get to know your customers that you feel like sharing?

Or maybe you don’t really find some of these 8 tips that I’ve put in the spotlight here, all that efficient?

Feel free to share your suggestions/thoughts in the comments down below! 

What Makes You Different? 6 Tips for Building Your Brand as a Cam Model

Building Your Brand as a Cam Girl: What Makes You Unique?

What makes you so special, anyway?

Maybe when your camera’s off you’re a geeky gamer girl, who’s watched all the Star Wars movies (at least) 3 times. Or a people-person, sunny, and chatty: you get along with everyone.

Or maybe you’re the non-conformist and the adventurer type: hikes, motorcycles, backpacking in SouthEast Asia… rain boots at fancy cocktail parties.

Don’t know what makes you different?

Then we have a teeny tiny problem…

For you can’t build yourself a unique brand as a cam Model if you don’t identify what it is that makes you unique.

And that because big booty, long legs, sexy curves… don’t cut it anymore. Almost all cam girls have that. That’s not what will help you connect with your customers. What will turn them into your regulars.

Instead, showing them your human side, stepping away from the “generic” cam Model stereotype, will.

So, here are 6 effective tricks that you can use to discover what’s special about you. Those things that make you stand out from the crowd of cam girls:

1. Take the Quiz

The Jungian archetype quiz, I mean.

And I do confess: I knew about this test but hadn’t thought about this particular use case till I watched Model Boot Camp at the YNOT Summit.

Archetypes, Carl Jung, psychology…. it all sounds way fancier than it is. So, let’s sum it up:

Here are 2 possible scenarios you’ll face:

A. Are you the “Lover” (arche)type?

Then it will come naturally to you to have a higher level of intimacy with your customers. To bid on sensuality and femininity, to appeal to their senses.

Work that angle, for that is… you.

Think various shades of red, satin lingerie, silk robes… heavy velvet curtains, red lips… an empathetic and soothing voice tone.

What Makes You Different? 6 Tips for Building Your Brand as a Cam Model

You’ll rock at making your customers feel like they’ve just slipped into a cozy bedroom after a hard day of work. A sensual and tender beauty is looking after them, pouring them a glass of wine, getting all their senses tingling, and calming their nerves…

B. Are you the “Jester” type?

Are you fun to be around and positive, a ray of sunshine for everyone around you?

Then you definitely want to bring that out.

What Makes You Different? 6 Tips for Building Your Brand as a Cam Model

Reflect it in that funny framed quote on the wall in your room. In your bubbly way of telling jokes, in your playful way of approaching your customers.

They’re in your room and they will keep coming in for a good laugh, among other things…

So, just give them that… your way.

2. Ask a Friend… Or Two

How will you attract customers and make them stay for the long haul? Ask your closest friends: what was it that made them want to know you better?

What Makes You Different? 6 Tips for Building Your Brand as a Cam Model

Was it:

  • your energy: it draws people to you, like a magnet
  • your empathy: you’re a very good listener
  • your creativity/originality: you’re inspirational, encouraging everyone around you to pursue their originality

Now, can you explore and exploit that “people-magnet” in you to attract customers to your room? And to keep them coming back?

3. Indulge in a Little Introspection

“Just be yourself!” Doesn’t this line drive you crazy?

What does it mean? How is your true self, more exactly?

Now, here are some questions to help you bring up those unique things about you that you’ll want to make the most when building your brand as a cam Model:

  • What do you love to do most when you’re not camming (OK, besides catching up on sleep)?
  • What are those 3 things that you’d take with you on a desert island?
  • What people do you admire the most? What do they have in common?

Keep in mind: almost any cam Model can be a Domina, a girl next door, or a femme fatale. But only you can be… you!

4. Describe Yourself in a Tweet

140 characters at most!

The word limit should help you filter through the less relevant details, so you get to the core of what makes you special.

OK, now what?

2 Things to Keep in Mind When Growing Into a Brand:

5. Be Authentic

Let’s say you’ve taken that quiz I was telling you about and it turns out your leading archetype is the “Innocent” one.

Your friends and family have confirmed that yes, they see you as a feel-good spirit, happy kiddo. One who encourages everyone to be who they truly are.

What Makes You Different? 6 Tips for Building Your Brand as a Cam Model

Yet, you decide to build your brand — your tagline, your imagery, your room decor, your teaser texts, your kinks, etc. — around the persona of a cold-hearted bitch. Or around that of a dark, goth-like alt model.

Not a wise decision in the long term.

Here’s why:

  • if your customers don’t trust you, why would they stick with you?
  • when you build your brand around that thing that makes you unique, your type of customers will want to connect with you: you give them clues of what makes you tick
  • by being true to yourself, it will be easier for you to remain consistent with your brand over time

Which brings us to:

6. Be Consistent

And this goes without saying: your brand as a cam Model is nothing without consistency.

Stick to the same tone: friendly and easy-going, bossy and authoritative, flirty and playful or sensual and soothing, etc.

For you don’t want to confuse your regulars by jumping from that adventurous and fierce image that you’ve got them used to, to that of a… naughty Lolita, now do you?

Building and nurturing relationships with your customers is all about trust.

And you can’t deliver trust if you don’t stick to your elements of brand consistency throughout everything that you do.

Is it a bit more clear now what path to take to discover what makes you different and work on that angle? Then, we’re just a bit curious now: what’s your archetype?

Feel free to share it in the comments!



Safe camming


If you are a veteran in this business or just started working, you may have already dealt with or heard about situations not so flower power.

We, as a camsite, do not want you to deal with those situations and that’s why it’s very important to tell us whenever certain situations arise. 

We take the safety and security of all our models seriously. For this we have our Support Department which is available to you 24/7.  We will do what is necessary, taking immediate action to protect our models, if they should feel in any way insecure. You can start a conversation here – Click the blue chat message in the bottom corner of the screen.

In what situations you should seek our help?

  • Any time you identify that a member is underage – It is illegal for anyone underage to view content in our industry. We have several preventative measures in place to protect our site from minors, however we also depend on our models to notify us if in the event they encounter someone under the age of majority. It’s also important to know that if the banks find out that this card was used for an adult transaction, the bank will make what is called a chargeback and will reverse these funds. Making it very important not only from a legal standpoint, but also financially so that you avoid providing a free show. 
  • Whenever a member tells you they are not satisfied with a show and files a report – You may have agreed with a member about certain details regarding a show that you are going to provide. At the end he stated that he is not satisfied, although you did everything that you both agreed to. This means you must come forward to clarify the situation for us to solve it.
  • Every time a member is trying to get free shows, pictures or any other free stuff from you (freeloading) – We know you have loyal members and you like showing your appreciation by providing them with free minutes and/or pictures or videos. In other situations, we advise you to talk to us so we can make sure that the member will not bother any other models or you.
  • Threats from members – Telling you that he will find out where you live, your real name or he will hurt you in any way, PLEASE LET US KNOW! Together, we have the power to make camming a better place for all!
  • If you suspect that money laundering is involved – There are times when members may propose to you an option where you can earn extra money by doing nothing. DON’T ACCEPT THOSE DEALS! Although you earn some extra cash in that moment, the banks will eventually reverse the transaction creating a chargeback, and you will lose these funds and potentially risk having your account suspended for life.

These are some examples and if you are involved in any other situations where you feel harassed or bullied or any unusual situation than what you have normally experienced, we are at your service and we will do everything necessary to keep you and your money safe! 

Consider bookmarking this link so that you can reach us anytime:


Cam girls are now able to do Discord pay-per-minute private shows

Discord is a Skype alternative.

We at Skyprivate have the vision that the cam models own the customer and they want to do sexy shows in very personal video chat platforms like Skype, Discord, mobile phones and maybe other platforms that will get popular.

For this reason we upgraded our technology to be compatible not only with Skype but with Discord too.

To do cams shows on Discord using Skyprivate you only need to have a Discord.com account and add it to your Skyprivate profile. We will soon officially launch this feature and to get early access to it we invite you to get on the list here:





5 Tips to Win the New Skyprivate Constest




It’s day two of the contest where the big winner will receive $1000 in their SkyPrivate account.

You will earn extra money while earning money!!!!


Here are the tips on how to get the 1K cash prize:


  1.   Clear your schedule.

You need to make sure you set off enough time in your schedule to make room for your members. How many hours can you set off each day, and can you maybe split it up in multiple sessions to cover different time-zones? Cancel a couple of appointments if you can and get ready to have a lot of fun with your members.


  1. Message your regulars.

A good place to start is always with your regular members, let them know about this fun, let them know that you really want to win it. Just an extra 5-10 minutes from them could be what you need to cross the finish line as number 1.

Contact them on Skype, you are already in contact with them there, DM them on Twitter or maybe you have your own discord server? Promote your Skype shows schedule there

We know from experience that members love to help their favourite models to win things, so don’t feel that you are pressuring them, play with open cards and they will understand.


  1.   Pimp up your profile.

Be sure to update everything, from your profile photo to your gallery. Record a little 6-second video if you have not done this yet and update it regularly.We use this video as a background for your profile and also as a preview video on the front page when we promote you.

Also, be sure to look over your BIO. This is a great place to add information about yourself, what you’re offering, and what niches or roleplays you look forward to.

A bonus profile tip is to add your schedule, let people know what days and time period you’re available on SkyPrivate. This helps members to pick you over other accounts, because they know what time fits for both of you.

On your SkyPrivate profile, create a banner/text saying that you are oferring something  extra (maybe 60 seconds free at the end of each paid call?) or check this smart pricing strategy .


  1.   Promote yourself.

Now, it’s time to promote yourself outside of your regulars. Hopefully, you got a couple of social media profiles set up for yourself. We recommend everyone to have their own Twitter and Instagram account.

Your Twitter account can be connected with your SkyPrivate profile and you can activate the Auto-Tweet function. This will automatically send out a tweet when you go online with your SkyPrivate Plugin.

For Instagram, you should use Instagram story to let people know what’s going on.


1.Create a tweet that explains your offer set up in step 3 above and that links to your SkyPrivate profile page.

  1. Promote this tweet URL inside your IG story and IG profile link. This way you are not getting banned on IG for linking to adult content because you are linking to twitter.com

Give new members a reason to come to your profile. Don’t just say that you are online, say that you have updated your profile or invite them to come see your new pictures and videos. This will make people stop by and it’s a bigger chance for them to jump on a session with you when they see you’re online at the same time.


  1.   Keep the conversation… longer.

One way is to ask better questions, instead of jumping from one surface topic to another (like “Where are you from?” and “What do you do?”), go deeper with your questions, ask them deep questions about their profession, ask them about their interests and desires.

So, if your member says he works as a plumber, your deeper questions could be.

“That sounds fun! What about plumbing interests you the most, what about it do you find fascinating?” (Interest)

“What made you start as a Plumber?” (Past)

“Do you like being a Plumber? Do you think you’ll keep doing it?” (Desires)

So, there you have it, five great tips to make you ready for the contest. Visit this page to follow the contest and see where in the top list you are. And don’t forget, the top 10 performers will receive a price.

We wish you the best of luck!

If you need to exchange more ideas with us or other fellow models, join our free discord server