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Import Instagram pictures & videos to your SkyPrivate public profile

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Yes, we’ve made it happen, and yes, we made a tutorial on how it works.

You can now easily import media from Instagram by just connecting it with SkyPrivate. Let’s go straight to the point and read bellow how it can be done in just 7 steps (based on the number of screenshots taken by me).

So first, go to you​​r SkyPrivate account at ​https://accounts.skyprivate.com/​​​​ and in Public Profile (which can be found in the left Menu), click on the “Import Media” tab (as shown in the picture bellow)

Screenshot 2015-08-12 20.33.48

The second step is to click on “Import from Instagram”
Screenshot 2015-08-12 20.33.56

Instagram will ask you kindly to log in (if you’re not already logged)

Screenshot 2015-08-12 20.34.12

After logging​​​ in, a pop-up will ask you to authorize SkyPrivate to connect with your Instagram. Click “Authorize”

Screenshot 2015-08-12 20.35.15

After authorizing, click on “Import from Instagram” so the media from your Instagram account can show in your SkyPrivate account (it will be private in your SkyPrivate account, only you can see it).

Screenshot 2015-08-12 20.44.08

Then, select the media which you want to publish on your SkyPrivate Public Profile (1), and click on the “Start Import” button (2).

Screenshot 2015-08-12 20.44.18

After the import was completed, the picture or the video will show as​​ being successfully imported.

Screenshot 2015-08-12 20.44.30

Click on “View your profile” button so you can check how it looks ‘from the outside world’ :)​

I’ve added this tutorial in the FAQs so it can be easy to find in case you need to check it again, also you can find there answers to other questions as well.

​​​​Feel free to share this on your social channels so other models can know about it and how easy it is to sync Instagram with SkyPrivate. If you have troubles with this, in anyway, reach us through e-mail​, Skype ID: skyprivatesupport or Twitter ​@SkyPrivate.

Written by Andy

Follow me on Twitter here: @Andy_SkyPrivate
Follow us on Twitter here: @SkyPrivate

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